like the dregs of oil, it shall boil in their bellies
Like dregs of oil; it shall boil in (their) bellies
Like molten copper it will bubble in the bellies,
like molten copper, it will seethe inside (their) bellies
like boiling oil, it will boil in the bellies,
like molten lead boiling in their bellies
Like molten brass, it boils in the bellies.
Like molten lead; boiling inside the bellies
acting as hot, thick oil which shall boil in the bellies
like the boiling of scalding water
Like molten metal, it boils in the bellies
It will be like molted brass which will boil in the bellie
like dregs of oil. It will boil in the bellie
Like molten brass will it boil in the belly
Like boiling oil, it shall burn the inside of their bellies
Like molten brass; It will boil in their bellies
Like murky oil, it boils within bellie
Like hot oil, it will boil in the bellies.
[hot] as molten metal, it boils in their bellie
Like the dregs of all! It shall seethe in the bellies
It is like pitch. It will fume in the bell
seething in the belly like molten brass,
Like molten brass; it will boil in their bellies
Like molten copper it will boil in the bellies
Like molten brass, it shall boil in (their) bellies
It boils in the stomachs like melted metal (or burning oil),
Like molten brass, it will boil in their insides
like molten copper that boils in the stomach,
Like dregs of oil, it will boil in their bellie
Like hot oil, it will boil in the bellies
[Food of the sinful would be] like molten brass boiling in their bellies
Like molten copper bubbles in the bellies.
Like lye, it will boil in the stomachs.
Like molten copper boiling in the bell
Like molten brass; it seethes in (their) bellie
As/like the dead's pus/melted metals , (it) boils in the bellies/insides
this will burn the stomach the same way…
Like molten copper; it churns in their bellies
Like molten copper it will boil in their bellies
It will boil in the bellies like molten copper
(It will act) like molten copper. It will boil in (their) bellies
Like boiling oil, it will boil in the bellies
like molten copper, bubbling in the bell
As the dregs of oil shall it boil in the bellies of the damned
as it were melting, shall it boil in their bellie
Like dregs of oil shall it boil up in their bellies
Like dregs of oil
Like molten brass; it simmers in the bellies.
Like the murky oil boiling in the bellies.
Like lava bubbling in the bellies,
[It will be] like molten brass. It will boil in their bellies.
like molten brass boiling in the bellies
like molten copper, it will seethe inside (their) bellies
Like the molten brass; boiling inside the bellies.
It is like molten metal; it boils in their bellies.
like molten brass, it will boil in the stomachs
Food which like molten metals. will keep boiling inside the bellie
Like molten brass, it will boil in the bellies,
Like molten brass; it will boil in their insides
Like the murky oil, it will boil in the bellies
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